Co-location Opportunities for RENewable energies and AQUAculture facilities,
decision support for operational Multi-Use Platform activities at coastal areas.

Service Region: Global Ocean
The RENAQUA Service covers the following markets targeted by the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS):
- Natural Resources & Energy
- Marine Food

Integrated Coastal Management seems to be the next challenge for future development of sustainable growth of marine economies. Among the most emergent activities in the context of developing marine economies are Marine Renewable Energies (MRE) and aquaculture, which have increasingly been enabled to operate in hostile environments.
A systematic approach towards spatial planning that identifies opportunities for the co-location of activities is essential to minimize conflicts, optimize the use of space, and reduce operation costs. In this sense, and due to the lack of approaches that address the co-location of wave energy, wind energy and aquaculture activities in a site selection scope, a methodological approach has been developed and implemented for the integrated assessment of co-location opportunities for wave, wind and aquaculture facilities in Global scales.
The RENAQUA Service provides an open and free worldwide dynamic assessment about co-location of wave energy, wind energy and aquaculture activities together with a digital representation of the past, present and future conditions from our “Blue Planet”. This representation allows us to obtain new findings, possible threats and opportunities, derived from past conditions to climate change scenarios.

The CMEMS products used in the service
CMEMS products are a key element of the RENAQUA service. RENAQUA makes use of the following products:
- Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis (GLOBAL_REANALYSIS_PHY_001_030)
- Global Ocean Waves Analysis and Forecast (GLOBAL_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_WAV_001_027)
- Global Ocean 1/12º Physics Analysis and Forecast (GLOBAL_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHY_001_024)
- Atlantic-Iberian Biscay Irish Ocean Physics Analysis and Forecast (IBI_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHYS_005_001)
- Atlantic-Iberian Biscay Irish Ocean Wave Analysis and Forecast (IBI_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_WAV_005_005)
- Global Ocean Waves (GLOBAL REANALYSIS WAV 001 032)
- Atlantic-Iberian Biscay Irish Ocean Wave Hindcast (IBI Reanalysis Wav 005 006)
- Atlantic-Iberian Biscay Irish Ocean Biogeochemistry non assimilative Hindcast (IBI Reanalysis Bio 005 003)
- Atlantic-Iberian Biscay Irish Ocean Physics Reanalysis (IBI Reanalysis Phy 005 002)
Other metocean data such as the Global Ocean Wave reanalysis (Reguero et al 2012) and in-situ data from BiMEP (buoy and anemomenter) are used by the RENAQUA Service.
All the metocean products have been integrated into the RENAQUA Service through the design and implementation of a distributed cliente-server architecture, which is based on interoperability protocols. Metocean products are also analysed providing tailored information for specific sectors (aquaculture, marine renewable energies, marine spatial planning) via specific Web applications.
CMEMS Products provide relevant metocean data about past, present and future marine conditions. The CMEMS metocean data (waves, currents, salinity, temperature, etc.) have been integrated into the co-location analysis (Weis et al 2018a, Weis et al 2018b, Weis et al 2018c, Jurado et al 2018, Weis et al 2018d) and downscaled for operational purposes, such as the dynamic analysis of access to offshore platforms (Guanche et al 2016).

Benefits for end-users
Benefits for end-users are focused on the three products created: Co-location analysis, Health & Safety and Operational Maintenance (HSOM) and the RENAQUA Data Hub:
- Co-location: identify suitable locations for aquaculture and marine renewable energy sectors
- HSOM: Safer marine activities
- HSOM: Optimization of operational maintenance
- Data Hub: centralized and interoperable access to the data sets in order to foster new added value
Targeted end-users
Targeted end-users include:
- private actors from micro companies to large companies
- public authorities
- scientific labs or research centres
Get Access to the RENAQUA Service

The RENAQUA Service and its products are generated making use of the COPERNICUS MARINE ENVIRONMENT MONITORING SERVICE
This section provides news about the RENAQUA Service evolution:
- 19/03/2021 – 26/03/2021 The MSP platform was introduced at the Master’s Degree in Marine Conservation from Oviedo University
- 10/11/2020 – The MSP platform was presented at the online meeting of Transformation Technologies Working Group of the ANFACO-CECOPESCA
- 01/04/2020 – New reanalysis products have been integrated into the Service and can be accessed through the “Blue Time Machine”, the products are listed:
- 26/02/2020 – The RENAQUA Service has been updated including maps about how climate change could affect Aquaculture at national level. Have a look here.
- 12/12/2019 – The RENAQUA Team (Felipe Fernández) showed to the Copernicus Academy Network the activities that IHCantabria undertakes as Copernicus Academy Member, the RENAQUA Service was explained as one of the User Uptake activities. See the presentation here.
- 26-28/11/2019 – The RENAQUA Team (Raúl Guanche) will be at Wind Europe Offshore 2019 Conference that will take place in Copenhagen showing the MSP Platform. See the Poster here.
- 06-07/11/2019 – The RENAQUA Team (Bárbara Ondiviela) showed the MSP Platform at the aquaculture conference organized by the Spanish Aquaculture Associtation (APROMAR)
- 24-25/09/2019 – The RENAQUA Team (Bárbara Ondiviela and Felipe Fernández) showed the MSP Platform at the “Copernicus Marine Service for the Aquaculture Sector” workshop that took place in Athens (Greece). Have a look here for more information.
- 13/06/2019 – The section of the RENAQUA Service “Blue Time Machine (BTM)” was awarded with the second prize at the EUDATATHON 2019, within the challenge “tackling climate change”. Have a look to the video showing some capabilities of the BTM, which makes use of Copernicus data (Copernicus Marine and Copernicus Climate Services) and EMODnet data!
- 20-24/05/2019 – The RENAQUA Team (Felipe Fernández) showed the status and functionalities of the RENAQUA Service at the Copernicus Marine Service General Assembly. The also the Poster here.
- 12-15/05/2019 – The RENAQUA Team (Felipe Fernández) was the facilitator of the “Data and information management (SDI, etc)” theme of discussion in the Technical Workshop 2: Data, indicators and tools for MSP at the 3rd International MSP Forum organized by IOC-UNESCO and DG-MARE. Flyers of the RENAQUA Project and IH MSP Platform were provided to the assistants.
- 07-10/05/2019 – The RENAQUA Team (Bárbara Ondiviela) showed the Marine Spatial Planning Platform developed under RENAQUA and ATLAS Projects at the XVII National Aquaculture Congress.
- 01/05/2019 – The flyer of the RENAQUA Project and IH-MSP Platform was designed and printed (download the flyer in pdf format here)
- 12/04/2019 – The RENAQUA Project was presented at the EGU 2019 Conference (see abstract here)
- 05/04/2019 – One of the sections of the IH-MSP Platform, called “The Blue Time Machine”, is among the finalist for EU Datathon 2019. The Blue Time Machine is a digital representation of the past, present and future conditions from our “Blue Planet”.
- 14/02/2019 – The RENAQUA Team (Raúl Guanche) showed their capacities together with the Biscay Marine Energy Platform (BiMEP) at the #WorldMaritimeWeek (see here)
- 28/03/2019 – Puertos del Estado organized the “Copernicus Marine for Spain” where the RENAQUA Project was showed to more than 100 pleople (see the agenda here)
- 15/03/2019 – The RENAQUA Team (Felipe Fernández) took part of the 2nd Capacity Building Workshop – MSP INSPIRE Data Model of the MarSP Project. The RENAQUA Project was also described to the workshop attendants (see here)
- 10/12/2018 – The RENAQUA Project was mentioned at the Spanish Copernicus Forum as one of the Copernicus User Uptake Projects (see here).
- 10/12/2018 – Webinar about the screening tool that calculates Biological suitability worldwide on the fly. Webinar organised by IHCantabria and the Spanish aquaculture producers association (APROMAR).
- 07/12/2018 – RENAQUA DSS v2.0 has been realeased. It includes the screening tool that calculates, on the fly, the Biological Suitability Index. The tool analyses the biological suitability worldwide making use of the CMEMS Product “GLOBAL_REANALYSIS_PHY_001_030“.
- 20/11/2018 – video of the RENAQUA Service has been published (
- 15/11/2018 – RENAQUA DSS v1.0 has been released (access